The SVD is a semi-automatic marksman rifle chambered in the fully-powered 7.62×54mmR cartridge, developed in the Soviet Union. The SVD was designed to serve a squad support role to provide precise long-range engagement capabilities to ordinary troops following the Warsaw Pact adoption of the 7.62×39mm intermediate cartridge and assault rifles as standard infantry weapon systems. Developed from 1958–1963 with Yevgeny Dragunov’s design winning the competition, the SVD has become the standard squad support weapon of several countries including those of the former Warsaw Pact. The airsoft SVD is a rather rare airsoft sniper with models either being electric or gas due to being semi automatic. Model s of airsoft SVD and its derivatives include the WE Airsoft SVD Dragunov (ACE-VD) GBBR - Black and the Bear Paw Production Ots-03 SVU Gas Blowback Airsoft Sniper Rifle.