The replica JPC 2.0 is accurately recreated from the original design, making the fit and function exact. Utilizing military-grade material and hardware as well as proper stitching and construction techniques, the replica JPC 2.0 is ready to put some work in.
Faithfully featuring the light-weight and sleek design of the original JPC makes this replica a great piece for any kit. Utilizing the Skeletal 3-Band Cummerbund cuts down on weight and adds flexibility and breathability while still having Molle real-estate for pouches. Compatible with all the AVS Detachable Flaps and Zip-On back panels lets the user completely deck out their replica JPC 2.0 for any milsim needs.
Available exclusively to the weekend warrior enthusiasts, the officially licensed, by Z-Shot, Crye Precision Tactical Gear and Clothing product line features replicas of the signature "Crye Licensed" ribbon, as well as clearly marked product identification tags, so that there is no confusion about the piece of gear in your hands.
Black, Coyote Brown, Ranger Green, Urban Gray
Front and rear plate bags, 3-band Skeletal Cummerbund, M4 removable front flap, 2x shoulder pads, 2x cummerbund bungee cords.